Thursday, April 29, 2021

I am going to start to write about Paintings and visual art.

   I am going to take a class on film over the summer. I think as it stands I am comically bad at writing about film. Something about way the visual elements and narrative elements combine hurts my head when I think about writing about it. So. I am going to write about paintings on here. I like paintings/photos a lot, and I think I like them because I like poetry. I think about poetry w/ a critical lens fairly frequently, and I think about painting w/ a critical lens almost never. So. I want to do that here. 

Poetry and painting are connected because they both find beauty in a moment. They encourage thinking about one moment. I like that because once you string 10,000 moments together in a film I get a little nauseous. Actually, considering that, I don't think this project will help me all that much. oh well. it will be fun.

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